
The information we receive depends upon what you do when visiting our site. If you visit our site to read or download information, such as news stories or articles we collect and store only the following information about you: the name of the domain from which you access the Internet; the date and time you access our site; and the Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our site. We use the information we collect to measure the number of visitors to the different sections of our site, and to help us make our site more useful to visitors.

You also may decide to send us personally-identifying information, for example, in an electronic mail message containing a request. Information provided is used only for the specific purpose for which it was provided.

Additional information is only requested to enable us to provide the most appropriate response to your request. When requesting material or asking someone to contact you there will be the option to receive other information that may be of interest. If you select to receive other information, but later chose not to receive such information, please send us an email to and we will delete your email address from the list and refrain from sending you any further email notifications.

Alpoz is not responsible for the privacy policies of third party sites to which links are provided and you are advised to check the privacy policies on these sites before providing any personal information.